Volume 14 Issue 1 2019

| June 18, 2019

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  1. Language and Identity: How Do Different Aspects of an L2 Identity Correlate With Spoken English Ability in Japanese High School Students?
    David Chevasco
  2. L2 Writers Construct Identity through Academic Writing Discourse Socialization
    Wenqi Cui
  3. Subject-Auxiliary Inversion in Embedded Questions in Spoken Professional Discourses: A Comparison of Philippine English Between 1999 and 2016-2019
    Leonardo O. Munalim
  4. Exploring the Filipinization of the English Language in a Digital Age: An Identity Apart from
    Other World Englishes
    Orlyn Joyce D. Esquivel
  5. Macau or Macao? – A case study in the fluidity of how languages interact in Macau SAR
    John Wheeler
  6. Problematizing the Commodification of ESL Teaching in the Philippines: Mediating Expectations, Norms and Identity(ies)
    Aiden Yeh


Category: 2019 Index